
Random musings about food, travel and thoughts. Hope you enjoy it!

sam and i atop barcelona 2017.jpg
The Salad I keep making again and again...Philippa's Salad :)

The Salad I keep making again and again...Philippa's Salad :)

My version - roasted vegetables with the raw vegetables, almonds, feta and a healthy amount of lemon!

It’s been some time since I penned a recipe. I get into these ruts where I make the same things over and over again until I get tired of them and then I find a new favorite. My kids say I do the same thing with music - I’ll play the same song over and over until I’ve worn it out. I think I do it so the song and tune are then embedded in my head. Kind of why I still sing songs from tunes II listened to when I was a teen. I do the the same thing with food. This summer this salad has been on constant replay. - I don’t need to refer to a recipe I just make it. Figured this one was worth sharing!

Philippa (my sister-in-law ) made this when we were out visiting. Since then I keep making it although I’ve changed the iterations of it multiple times. The basic premise of it though is to incorporate raw asparagus - either shaved or finely chopped, sweet peas and feta cheese. She used pistachio nuts / I use almonds. I’ve thrown in roasted asparagus as well as tomatoes, added roasted salmon or shrimp but the dressing is also the same - simple fresh squeezed lemon juice, olive oil and salt & pepper. I’ve even roasted the peas - they add a great crunch to the salad.

However you make it, though, it’s delicious.


(1 serving - just keep increasing the ingredients based on the number of people you are serving:)

2 - 3 cups of arugula

1/3 bunch of asparagus

1/4 cup of crumbled feta

1 oz or a handful of nuts (adjust to your liking!)

1/4 cup of sweet frozen peas, defrosted

Juice of 1/2 - 1 whole lemon

1 Tablespoon of virgin olive oil

Salt & Pepper

Note: I like my dressings more acidic - I think they are brighter and fresher but some people prefer a bit more oil. With the cheese in the salad I think the fat content is perfect but taste and adjust!


Put peas in a colander and let them defrost. If you need them to defrost quicker, just run some cool water over them to defrost. You don’t want to cook them.

Wash and dry arugula, put in serving or salad bowl

Sprinkle feta cheese over arugula

Chop almonds if you are using them. If you are using pistachio nuts you don’t need to chop them as they are small enough

If asparagus is thick you can shave it. If not, I put it in my zyloss chopper and pulse it until it is fine

Squeeze lemon either directly onto salad or into a mason jar.

Add olive oil, salt & pepper. Either toss or shake (depending on how you decided to mix the salad). Taste.

I added roasted asparagus, peas and tomatoes in the photo above but you can see it’s pretty adaptable so add what you like.


chopped asparagus

Roasted tomatoes, peas and asparagus



Endless Possibilities #1 ..."Shrub" - Grapefruit, Lemon and Ginger Shrimp

Endless Possibilities #1 ..."Shrub" - Grapefruit, Lemon and Ginger Shrimp